In 2016, Christine Reed and Michele Shackelford, residents of Horseshoe Bay, approached Mike Maine with the idea of creating an entity that could provide cultural enrichment of varied kinds for a growing community of retired or semi-retired citizens of Horseshoe Bay, and its environs. The programs were to be presented in a local venue, eliminating the need to drive to Austin or SanAntonio for the educational and entertainment activities which provide the intellectual and musical stimulation for continued enjoyment of life. Meetings of residents were held which confirmed both interest in and financial support for such an entity. In 2017, The Horseshoe Bay Cultural Enrichment Society (“CES”) was incorporated as a Texas not-for-profit corporation and was granted Section 501(c) (3) status by the Internal Revenue Service in early 2018. Awaiting the IRS ruling, a board was formed and a full program for the 2018-2019 year was put in place, including music by the Four Freshmen, lectures on genetics, jazz and film criticism by Yale professor Mark Lapadula.
The Horseshoe Bay Community responded to these events with enthusiasm—sold out ticket sales at different venues, advertising in playbills, sponsorships of programs and contributions of time and money to assure the success of CES and its continuation into the future. Since then, CES has presented a broad range of programs at different venues in the HSB community including the HSB Resort hotel, the HSB Yacht Club, the HSB POA Lodge at Quail Point (both in the ball room and at the beautiful lakeside amphitheater on Lake LBJ), the Community Center at St. Paul the Apostle Church and the Hill Country Community Theatre. At each of these venues a bar for wine and other libations has been set up. On occasion, hors d’oeuvres and dinners have been available. The Christmas shows have attracted several hundred for a formal dinner party and dancing at the HSB Resort’s Main Ballroom.
Programs have been widely varied over the years including local favorites John Arthur Martinez band, Lisa Clark and the Austin Jazz Band; the UT Trombone Choir, The Three Texan Tenors, noted Santa Fe Pianist Doug Montgomery, The Four Freshmen, Blues Master Johnny Nicholas, Los Texas Maniacs, the Miro Quartet, Let’s Hang On (the music of Frankie Valli and Jersey Boys), Soul Session (Motown) and Williamson Branch (Bluegrass and Country). In addition, there have been lectures on genetics, on the origins and playing of jazz and film. Our program committee, which makes suggestions for implementation by the board, consists of Bill Rives, President, educator and noted musician; Dr. Bob Linder, Conductor and Former Dean of Fine Arts at Houston Baptist University; Tom Van Tassel, muti-national corporate executive and professional trombone player and Mike Maine, retired lawyer, vocalist, Founder of the Society. Their charge has been and remains to find programs which will entertain, educate and offer intellectual stimulation to the residents of Horseshoe Bay and the surrounding Hill Country area.